To Mel: Here's my friend code: SW-3131-4503-7538
To Mel: Here's my friend code: SW-3131-4503-7538
🕐 Posted 4 years ago
Can't play right now though, I just had to log off. Probably won't be able to play the rest of the day, tomorrow maybe we could meet up.
I don't use the best friends feature on this game. Sometimes I'll have someone ask for a best friends request, I just consider it a "Door knock" they need to tell me something immediately. I'll talk to them, remove them from best friends after conversation is over --
-- do what's required. I've had nothing but issues when I keep players on my best friends list in the game, now I won't do it.. As for adding best friends on the Switch.. I'm not sure what that even does?
Oh! Alright. I just use the best friends app for ease of communication when both online. Making someone a best friend on the switch only allows them to friend you in the app in the game (From my knowledge, otherwise it does nothing else)
Ever loose someone you really cared about due to a false accusation? I've been there, done that. Not in this game, but been there. I figure it's hard to get accused of something if all I can do is pick fruit and flowers, lol. Kinda like it like that.