
To Mel: Here's my friend code: SW-3131-4503-7538


To Mel: Here's my friend code: SW-3131-4503-7538

"I don't really know how to send friend requests via code (never done it before) so here's my code. You wanna send me a request? "

🕐 Publicado hace 4 años

Brooke hace 4 años

Can't play right now though, I just had to log off. Probably won't be able to play the rest of the day, tomorrow maybe we could meet up.

Mel hace 4 años

I don't use the best friends feature on this game. Sometimes I'll have someone ask for a best friends request, I just consider it a "Door knock" they need to tell me something immediately. I'll talk to them, remove them from best friends after conversation is over --

Mel hace 4 años

-- do what's required. I've had nothing but issues when I keep players on my best friends list in the game, now I won't do it.. As for adding best friends on the Switch.. I'm not sure what that even does?

Brooke hace 4 años

Oh! Alright. I just use the best friends app for ease of communication when both online. Making someone a best friend on the switch only allows them to friend you in the app in the game (From my knowledge, otherwise it does nothing else)

Mel hace 4 años

Ever loose someone you really cared about due to a false accusation? I've been there, done that. Not in this game, but been there. I figure it's hard to get accused of something if all I can do is pick fruit and flowers, lol. Kinda like it like that.

Por favor, no compartas información personal

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