How To Delete "People I Recently Played With" list.
How To Delete "People I Recently Played With" list.
🕐 Posted 4 years ago
Ooh! Actually, I think I just found a way! (I can't view it just yet, as the website is blocked on my computer-school computer smh)
Type into the search bar, "Can you delete people off of the people you've played with recently listed on your nintendo switch?" The second link down should be, "How to block users you have played with - Nintendo Support." Try this! (I hope this works)
I don't want to block them. I just want to clear the list so finding players is easier to do.
Well, alright then. Back to the drawing board lol. I'll try and do some more "research," see if I find anything useful.
I've been looking, I haven't found anything yet either, Brooke. With a game like Animal Crossing, it seems like Nintendo would've thought of it. >.<