
Looking for Oranges/Pears!


Looking for Oranges/Pears!

"Is anyone open for visitors + able to give some oranges and/or pears? I have cherries, coconuts and peaches if you'd like to trade for any!"

🕐 Publicado hace 4 años

Founder hace 4 años

Also, I'm gonna hop off your island now, thanks a bunch for the assistance! I wasn't sure I was gonna get help, especially not so quickly quq

Mel hace 4 años

go to Dream Area by using your bed in-game, and you'll see, it's not so bad

Founder hace 4 años

Ohoh, will do!

Mel hace 4 años

later Founder :)

Founder hace 4 años

Bye-bye, thanks a million!

Por favor, no compartas información personal

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