Tarantula nook island
Tarantula nook island
🕐 Publicado hace 4 años
Randomguy hace 4 años
These are a common island called tarantula island all the rocks are money rocks there is also a scorpion version as well :)
Brooke hace 4 años
Theres also that one island that has a single rock in the middle that only gives gold nuggets. Would love to get that one
Randomguy hace 4 años
Ye Ik that me too
Randomguy hace 4 años
But I prefer scorpion so I can get the model of of flick and sell em
Sammy7 hace 4 años
I didn't catch a scorpion before the switch to tarantulas. I think I'll have a couple of more tarantula models made to place around my isle.