
I am in need of 30 iron nuggets. I will pay 30,000 Bells for them all.


I am in need of 30 iron nuggets. I will pay 30,000 Bells for them all.

"I am in a rush to get to Nook's cranny and the Able Sisters. Comment if you are interested and I will reply my Dodo Code. "

🕐 Publicado hace 4 años

averystars hace 4 años

Details I forgot to add - I'm online for a couple hours at a time so nine times out of ten I'm here. I'm gonna be active for a while now so comment whenever.

Sammy7 hace 4 años

Hey, did you find some iron yet? If not, come to my isle. MYDN8

averystars hace 4 años

Hiya, I'm on my way. Didn't find it yet

averystars hace 4 años

Just wanted to mention, thanks for doing that! I'm picking out the location now! Construction... Started!

Sammy7 hace 4 años

Awesome!! I'm sure you will pick a perfect spot. Happy festivale day! Hahaha!

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